The Merit of One Dhikr Over Other Dhikrs
Dhikrs (remembrance) are classified into a few categories, each having merits over the others, or the rewards for one is more compared to the others on top of having multitudes of virtues, advantages, benefits and effects that are praiseworthy.
Among the Dhikrs that have precedence over others, in fact the most praiseworthy and highest in rank of them is, Laa Ilaaha Illallaah (There is no god but Allah).
The Prophet, may Allah grant blessings and peace upon him, once said: "The best Dhikr is: Laa Ilaaha Ilallaah and the best supplication is: Alhamdulillah."
He, may Allah grant blessings and peace upon him, also said: "The best words me and the Prophets before me had said is: Laa Ilaaha Illallaah."
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah grant blessings and peace upon him, said, relating that Allah Most High said: "Laa Ilaaha Illallaah is My fortress, and whoever enter into My fortress is saved from My torment."
He also said: "Renew your faith!" The Companions of the Prophet asked: "How to renew our faith?" Answered the Prophet: "Saying in abundance Laa Ilaaha Illallah."
He, may Allah grant blessings and peace upon him, also said: "Subhanallah (fills) half the scale (al-Mizan), and Alhamdulillah fills it, and Laa Ilaaha Illallah (there is) no wall (separation) between it and Allah."
There is also a tradition that states: "Verily there is a branch made of light rooted in front of Allah. When a person says "Laa Ilaaha Illallaah" the branch shook (out of fear). Then Allah Most High says: Hush! Replied the branch: How am I to hush, when You have not pardoned the person. Hence Allah Most High said: I have pardoned him. Then the branch remains silent."
Another tradition says: "Verily when a slave says Laa Ilaaha Illallaah, with every Laa Ilaaha Illallaah said, it comes across an evil deed in his record book, but it erases it, until it comes across a good deed, where it stays by its side."
Another tradition says: "Even if the seven heavens and the seven earths and whatever is in them is placed on one side of the scale, and placed on the other side the utterance Laa Ilaaha Illallaah, verily the scale with Laa Ilaaha Illallaah would be heavier."
Other traditions that confirm the primacy of the utterance of Laa Ilaaha Illallaah are numerous and are renowned. The reason we stated the merits here is to serve as a reminder and not for the purpose of mere calculation. It is thus sufficient enough to make a distinction of its merits, that it is the declaration that is required to be said if a person wishes to embrace Islam, and verily whoever ends his life with uttering the statement (as his last words), then he would obtain everlasting bliss that has no blemishes thereafter.
“Oh Allah! Oh My God! You are the Most Merciful, we ask of You that You (make) our lives and our deaths and resurrect us upon the words Laa Ilaaha Illallaah, in a surrendering state to You, and likewise for our parents, our loved ones and the entire Muslim Community, Amin.”
It was related from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah grant blessings and peace upon him : “Laa Ilaaha Illallaah Wahdahuu Laa Syariikalah, Lahul-Mulku Walahul-Hamdu Wahuwa ‘Ala Kulli Syai-in Qadiir (There is no god but Allah the One, no partners ascribed unto Him, to Him belongs all kingdoms and to Him (all) the praises, and He is Above (the cause of) everything that is Powerful), whoever utter it ten times, the reward is like that of a person who frees four lives from the sons of Isma’il, peace be upon him.”
He, may Allah grant blessings and peace upon him, also said: “Whoever utter: Laa Ilaaha Illallaah Wahdahuu Laa Syariikalah, Lahul-Mulku Walahul-Hamdu Wahuwa ‘Ala Kulli Syai-in Qadiir, every day a hundred times, then his reward is like that of a person who frees a slave (riqaab), recorded for him a hundred good deeds, erased for him a hundred evil deeds, given to him refuge from the devil from that day to its afternoon, and there is no one who did a better deed than that of which he did (uttering the statement), except for the one who did more than him.”
He, may Allah grant blessings and peace upon him, also said: “Whoever utter: Laa Ilaaha Illallaah Wahdahuu Laa Syariikalah, Lahul-Mulku Walahul-Hamdu Wahuwa ‘Ala Kulli Syai-in Qadiir, there is no deed that precedes it, and that there is no evil that would be left.”
- Translated from the Malay translation of An-Nasaaih Ad-Diniyah Wal-Washaaya Al-Imaaniyah of Imam ‘Abdallah ibn ‘Alawi al-Haddad (Translated into Malay by Al-Ustadz As-Sayyid Ahmad Semait)
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